Monday 26 August 2013

Get Naturally Pink Lips By Home Remedies

Naturally pink lips are the desire of every girl and women. It is the common problem of girls that their lips turned black which enhance reduce the charm and beauty of your face. Here are some great tips to get naturally pink lips.

Take one teaspoon of cold milk and add a bit of turmeric powder (haldi) in it and apply this paste on lips for 5 minutes. This tip will give pinkish look to lips.
 Rub cotton ball soaked in rose water on your lips. This will make your lips soft.
Crush Rose petals and mix them with fresh cream and apply on lips. This makes your lips naturally soft and pink.
Make a mixture of one spoon of honey, a little amount of gram flour, one spoon of yogurt and few drops of lime juice. Use this mixture on the lips to make them naturally pink.
 Rub lemon juice onto your lips before bedtime to lighten your lips. After applying lemon juice, wait until lips are dry and then moisturize your lips, as lemon juice can dry them out. Do this tip once a week. Lemon has bleaching properties and it helps in removing the tan that has formed on your lips, thus make them pink once again.
Take some turmeric powder, milk cream and honey and rub the mixture gently on your lips just for five minutes. This will make your lips soft and pink.
Spray powdered sugar on a lemon wedge and rub on lips gently. This is a good way to naturally exfoliate and bleach your lips at home.
The natural ghee will help you to make your lips smooth, pink and soft. Rub a slight warm ghee on your lips, 2-3 times in a day. It is a best tip for dry lips.

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