Monday 26 August 2013

How To Get Fresh And Glowing Skin

Lemon is a very useful thing for your skin as it has exfoliating, blotching and anti-viral properties and it also gives us a cool and refreshing feeling.  The high content of Vitamin C in lemons makes it an effective skin care aid. You can use lemon to wash your hair and lemon makes your hairs long and silky. Here are some of the ways you can use lemon as a natural part of your beauty treatment.
Skin Care with Lemon

To mask age spots means wrinkles; simply take a slice of lemon applied directly to the area for ten minutes. Apply this once a week until spots becomes lighter.
To make a lemon anti-wrinkle mask mix a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and a drop of sweet almond oil. Apply this mixture on the face and allow it to dry for 20 minutes and then wash off.
Lemon is great for removing wrinkles, acne, blackheads and dead skin cells. Their natural properties help to improve the skin.
Lemon juice is considered quick home remedy for acne treatment. Apply freshly extracted lemon juice to acne areas with a cotton swab or pad in the evening after washing with a mild facial cleanser. Avoid applying lemon juice on the rest of your skin, it can cause dryness.
For strong, shiny, bright fingernails soak your fingernails in lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Then brush your fingernails with a nail brush dipped in a mixture of 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 warm water and then rinse with warm water.
Make a moisturizing mask for dry skin by mixing equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Apply the mixture to dry areas on the skin and apply it for about 10 minutes when it dry then rinse with warm water.
Lighten discolored elbow: cut a lemon in half and place one elbow in each half for approximately ten minutes. Lemon’s acids will gently break down the dark patches of skin so they may be washed away.

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