Thursday, 29 August 2013


To have beautiful and balanced personality, balanced diet is necessary. Usually there is a misconception in our society that good diet keeps us just fit. But this is absolutely wrong.
It is also necessary to make skin soft, glowing and fresh. The secret of beautiful skin lies in fruits. You include a fruit in your daily meal and see the result within one week. Vitamins, acids and enzyme found in fruits are considered necessary for skin since long. You can also get benefits from it.
Apple .it is used as an ointment on wounds. While bathing add a cup of juice in bathing water. It makes the skin very soft and cleanse it. If this juice is applied in hairs then it eradicates dandruff. It can also be used as a conditioner after shampoo.

Lemon .it can be helpful to maintain restore skin beauty. Usually elbows or feet get black spot which are not easily removed. But lemon can remove them. If few drops of lemon are added in bathing tub, it refreshes the skin. If used after shampoo, the hair becomes shiny and dandruff is also killed.
Banana . it helps to maintain the natural moisture of skin. Its natural protein and fats are better for all types of skin. If it is mashed well and applied on face, it restores skin’s glow.
Papaya . it’s a very effective and nutritious fruit. Mix papaya and aloevera well. Apply it on whole body. Repeat it monthly, your skin will become attractive. However women having sensitive should avoid it.
Peach . it is good for dry skin. Mash well a fresh peach. Include yoghurt a ts in it. Apply this mixture on face. Leave it for 15 mints and wash with cold water.
Pineapple .it is effective to remove black spots on knees, heels and elbows. Use its slices with sponge on the affected parts then take bath. You will feel the difference???

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